Dreary Day in Boston today. Here is the view outside my office window. I have a lot on my mind. Maybe I'll blame the weather, huh?
Today, while I had some free time at work, I got to thinking about needs. (Carrie Bradshaw, eat your heart out.) How come some people are perfectly content with everything the way it is- (whether it be with friends, jobs, relationships, possessions, etc) while others simply need more? Is needing more a character flaw or simply the way the human race works? There are things we all want, sure. (I'll take a new car, a year-round tan, and an entry-level job with a starting salary of $100k/year, thanks.) But those are things I don't need, I can surely live without them and lead a life full of happiness. So how come when needs so much smaller than big things like cars and cash are not met, we get upset? Enter my so-close-yet-so-far-away concept. The things we need are right there and they're more than attainable, but sometimes we just cant make them happen for ourselves. A challenging project at work, affection from our parents, an act of kindness from a loved one- these examples are all small but their significance speaks volumes. At the end of the day they help us feel successful, loved, thought about. And what's the harm in feeling good? Everyone needs to feel good, because feeling good is obviously better than feeling bad. It's not being needy. It's having needs.
Moral of the story: make your needs known and you might just get them met. "That's the thing about needs. Once you get them met, you don't need them anymore."-Sex & the City.
Next moral of the story: Jessica needs to stop watching Sex & the City.
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