Now that I have a passport and no actual job commitment after my internship ends at the end of August, I am becoming more into the idea of traveling. I obviously don't have the money right now, but I
could keep saving until the end of summer. This passport has opened my eyes to all that could be out there for me to experience. Okay, so maybe I'm a little bored here in Massachusetts. And maybe I'm not being practical. But I'm 22, I have the rest of my life to be practical. I have never traveled outside of going to Florida or Canada because I never had a passport, never had the money, and school took up my free time. I'm done with school, and I still shouldn't be spending the money...but they have part-time jobs in other countries. I have always said Italy was my dream, and it still is... but more and more, I'm liking the idea of Ireland. I can speak the language and it's just so beautiful. I never knew how beautiful it was until I watched
P.S. I Love You. This is where I want to go in Ireland: Galway. (Thank you Gerald Butler.)

Ridiculously gorgeous. Maybe I'm dreaming too big. Maybe this is just a phase. Maybe I'm just in a New England funk. But this just seems like an amazing experience, one that I wont get to have when I'm older and settled. I have trouble now remembering that I am only 22 and still young at heart. If I can save up the money and find a friend to go with for a few weeks, or even a month, I'm doing it.
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