In brighter news, Alyssa & Stan are perfect together and the reception was beautiful and they both looked just so incredibly happy. I am such a girl, I know. I have only seen Lara, one of my best friends & the maid of honor only look this happy when she has been A. spending time with her precious god-daughter and B. drunk off her ass dancing.
I have pictures.
bride & groom:
bride & MOH
The bride & groom's song was "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Jem (originally by Paul McCartney) and was just perfect. I can't stop gushing about this. Alyssa was glowing and I am just so excited for her. The DJ also played "At Last" by Etta James, and because I am ridiculous I obviously teared up because as God as my witness that will be my wedding song whenever the day comes for me.
Such a fun time. It's just really nice to be around people who are happy and having good times and who all come together to celebrate something so important. It gives me hope that throughout all the drama and fighting and hate in the world, there are so many positive things like friendship, family, and love. Cue the doves flying & violins playing here.
To add onto it, my good friend Shannon is ENGAGED! Her boyfriend of a little over a year proposed to her this past Sunday, and the ring is gorgeous and the story is even better. They are so in love and perfect together, and seeing that just makes me happy. I am a huge fan of tradition & old-fashioned romance, and this couple just hits both on target. Here is a picture of the ring :)

I am so girly and sappy and in love with love. It's a little sickening at times, even I'll admit it. I am in no rush for all of this to happen to me, but would be lying if I said I don't think about the time that it will. Come on, every girl dreams of the day where she'll get to say "I do." Everything is just centered around the one thing that matters most--love.
You all can go respectively throw up now.
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