- Fried ice cream. Is America that fat? Batter and ice cream aren't unhealthy enough seperately that one would actually have to take a hunk of fatty and sugary ice cream and deep fry it in oil made of saturated fat? I mean, come on.
- Dress-shirt Dresses. They are apparently the new trend. It is basically oversized mans' dress shirt, just longer and not as wide for women to wear. It doesn't look like a dress. It looks like an oversized mans' dress shirt, just longer and not as wide.
- Walnut-sized chocolate eggs at Teuscher Chocolate of Switzerland on Newbury Street that cost $3.50 per egg. A tiny piece of chocolate should not cost more than 50 cents. I do not care if it is Swiss. I care that I have to budget the rest of the day because I was craving chocolate and bought it because I assumed it would be 50 cents. That egg should have been wrapped in gold for that price, not cheap colored foil.
- People who are rude on the phone. Just because something did not go your way, why be a jerk to someone who probably had nothing to do with what you're aggravated about? Why not be polite and understanding instead?
- Obsessions with social networking sites. (Facebook, Twitter, Discussion boards, Myspace, etc.) Occasional use is fine! But excessive social networking=you're antisocial to the rest of the world outside of a COMPUTER. Your friends, your family, your co-workers, your spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend.
- People who walk at a snail-like pace when entering/exiting the MBTA. How about, move!? Don't you know that there are people like me who rush everywhere they go in order not to miss the next T to be able to get home 15-20 minutes earlier? May not sound like much, but after a day where at least 3 hours is spent in a commute of some sort, it means more than anyone can ever imagine.
- That it is only 3:48 P.M., and not 5:00 P.M.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Things I shake my head at.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Funniest book that isn't really a book.
- The orchestra that played as the Titanic went down
- The existence of other people
- Birds that shit on you
- The British spelling of "colour"
- Richard Simmons
- Girls who think any guy who's not interested in them must have a disorder, probably Asperger's Syndrome
- The ten endless minutes before 4:50 P.M. and 5:00 P.M.
- The nonexistence of unicorns
- Michael Vick
- Caffeine-free Diet Coke
- Children playing in puddles of blood
- Knowing when your friend from second grade goes to the grocery store, thanks to Facebook status updates
- The unlikelihood that the words "Lights! Camera! Action!" will ever happen to you
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
As quoted by my friend.
Absolute wedded bliss.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
I aint never seen nothin' like a Galway girl.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Love/Hate you.com
I. hate. the. Internet.
I have learned that although it can be a social tool, it can make some people COMPLETELY anti-social. Call me crazy but I think instead of talking to a complete stranger in a chatroom, discussion board, gaming, or social-networking tool, it is far more important to maintain good relationships with the people you actually know. Spending half a day on Xbox Live or on Facebook isn't helping your social life; it's hurting it. Consuming your time with social-networking may help maintain digital relationships- which are important how? Sure, some tools like Twitter, Blogs, and LinkedIn can be helpful professionally...even so I care more about relationships with friends, family, and loved ones.
Here's a tip: Step away from the computer and go talk to someone who actually cares about you and will be there for you if you ever have a problem. It's far more rewarding than a good ol' LOL.
Monday, March 16, 2009
No News is Bad News.
10 Most Endangered Newspapers in America
Most of these papers will still run their digital version...but just think of how many jobs that will cut. More spiel on the Internet later. I have a deep-set love/hate relationship.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pensive post #1: Needing needs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Get Out Of Town
HERE IS THE ARTICLE. Awesome travel tips. I wish I traveled more/had the time & funds to go to so many places. Because the economy has fallen through the cracks of the earth, I am sure many of you are taking this opportunity to save, save, save. I haven't been to a mall in I can't even remember so long because I am saving for this trip & for other things, and that is quite saddening for me. So if you want to get out of town but are a few weeks away from lurking under a bridge with a Dunkin Donuts styrofoam cup in your hand asking for change, here's what I got out of the article:
*"Though some people are skipping vacations altogether this year because of the miserable economy, others are plotting their getaways in spite of the dire times - or perhaps even because of them." FACT: Jessica should absolutely not be spending this much money on a vacation, because Jessica is an Intern and being paid a joke-amount of money/hr. for having her BACHERLOR'S DEGREE. She has zero permanent job lined up, and because this economy is the definition of FAIL, things do not look too promising. Not for awhile, anyway.
*"I think people are still finding ways to take a vacation," says Louise Reilly Sacco cofounder of The Frugal Yankee, an online newsletter. "I'm as thrifty as anyone, but if it gets to the point where you're cheap and you're ruining your life, it doesn't make sense. People need a break in their routine." FACT: Jessica desperately needs a break in her routine. Jamaica sounds like the perfect way to take that break.
The article touches on staying in hostels & house-swapping too, although my interest lacks in either.
Moral of the story: I probably shouldn't be spending all this money for this tropical paradise vacation. BUT...I don't care. I have never done anything like this before, and I am super excited.Here is a pic. of the resort we'll be staying at, the RIU Ocho Rios! Can you blame me?

Monday, March 9, 2009
The Truth About Chick Flicks
This all seems well and good, right? WRONG. I recently stumbled upon an article that sums up what chick flicks subtly teach women. And all of these lessons are bad, bad, bad ones.
Why Chick Flicks Hate Women
I read the list of reasons, and thought to myself: In the past, I was guilty of the first four out of seven. Sad but true. Presently, I do still believe in #2: Any problem can be solved by shopping. I can't help it. I am a girl who loves clothes. (Like every other one alive.) This I don't blame on chick flicks. This I blame on genetics and cute outfits in store windows.
The reasons I think chick flicks hate women differ from the reasons listed. I think they give women a false sense of reality. Come on- no man is like Hugh Grant. (Bummer, I know.) I watched chick flicks all my life and fell in love with so many stories. When I was a teenager, I dreamed of the day Richard Gere would arrive in my house hanging out of a limo roof with a dozen roses in his hand. I waited and waited for John Cusack to stand outside my window with a boombox, playing our song for my whole neighborhood to hear. I contemplating writing a bucket list so Shane West would make every single one of them come true.
I, admittedly, was an epic nerd-bag.
I think I am a little more in touch with what love is now that I actually have it. It is nothing like the movies, which is a very good thing because reality>fantasy. What we have is real and isn't scripted, and that is far better than any cupcake-sweet ending to a movie.
Sometimes, though, sometimes...I will watch my favorite movie and slip into what I call The Love Coma, where the simplest of scene will make my heart wrench and make me weep like a 3 year-old who got her toys taken away.
This is my favorite scene from any movie, ever. I'll warn you now- if you are female, you too could be love-coma crazy after watching this. I suggest watching an action movie or reading anything written by Tucker Max to wake you the F up.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Man Laws...REMIX
- Guys are allowed to be close to one another. Just because you're standing next to each other doesn't mean you're gay. Get over yourselves. Unless you are making out with/dancing with/dating another guy, we probably don't think you're gay. If you get really, really angry and defensive when people make "gay" jokes around or about you, then we probably think you are.
- Women find it appealing for a man to be sensitive. Women do not find it appealing for a man to be more sensitive than she is. You can cry, occasionally, because it's human. If you are crying every other day you are obnoxious and we don't want to deal with you. This is not a mutual rule for men & women. A double-standard does exist in this case. Girls are emotional beings. Accept it.
- If you have a friend that often gets into trouble with the law/has ever been in jail, we probably don't want you hanging out with him. Bail him out if you want, but don't expect us to throw him a Welcome Home party.
- If you ever go to a strip club, that's between you and the guys. I won't tell you that you cant go- but if you do, spare me the details...oh yeah, and don't expect to get laid when you come home.
- I didn't go to the game and throw grenades on the field/court or hire a hitman to take out the star player to make your favorite team lose. So don't take it out on me if they do.
- Flatulation is allowed only if we are in a relationship with you. We still think it's gross, but we realize that it's human and you are, after all, a guy. If you fart while we are "dating" or "hooking up" or "hanging out"....we probably don't want to see you again. (Especially if we've just hooked up.)
- If we are dating, and you see a fruity drink on a menu you know deep down inside you'd like better than the socially required "big-strong-man-beer," be comfortable enough with your sexuality to order the fruity drink. Granted, if we don't know you and see you at a bar sipping on a Cosmo, Sex and the City-style, we will probably think you're gay... a margarita, however, will probably not give the same impression. If we are dating you, we know you're not gay. You're not wearing sequins and lipstick, you're drinking a BEVERAGE.
- If you are one of those guys at the gym with a blowout, a fake tan, and a too-tight muscle T, do not expect the average woman to ever take you seriously. Do expect, however, for her to laugh in your face when you ask her out whilst flexing. You are not sexy. THIS IS WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.
- Unless you come to pick us up in a big yellow school bus, we don't really care what you drive. Don't make it a big deal. We will never understand, first, your complex about having an "acceptable" vehicle, and second, your inevitable love affair with it. The only thing you should be calling sexy is us- not a huge hunk of metal with four wheels and an engine attached to it.
- You shouldn't have to ask us what we want for a birthday, holiday, or anniversary. We will never tell you what we really want. It is your job to figure that out. Also, it's kind of fun.
- Yelling out things to us while we walk by you such as: "Ay Mami," "Sup shorty," "Hey Sexy," or yelling any type of cat-call will in no way increase your chances of sleeping with us, let alone talking to us. We don't know who taught you that this was a good idea, but they should never be allowed to reproduce. We are never ever going to go up to our girlfriends after being assaulted in this manner and gush over how romantic and dreamy you are. Beeping from your vehicle as we walk past you on the street is also never acceptable.
- If you have a date with a girl and decide that you like her, call her. If you don't like her, DON'T call her. It's that simple. We are not going to find the nearest ledge to throw ourselves over if we don't hear from you... so if you don't really like a girl, but call her in a week or two anyways, you're probably just creating more problems for yourself (plus it's really f'ing annoying).
- If we are in a relationship with you, we want and expect to hear from you at least once a day. If we can't get in touch with you for a full 24 hours and you find that you have five missed calls from us it is not because we are needy, miss you, and can't be away from you- We just want to make sure you are alive. Suck it up & give us the courtesy call.
- You are allowed to adjust yourself in public. Not because we think this should be allowed, but because we know we can't stop you. Know, however, that we will always catch you and always be disgusted (and/or mock you). Self-adjustment is NEVER allowed in certain circumstances (dinner with our parents, for example). Tend to your business in private... we know you can do it champ.
- The time it takes you to get ready should never exceed 20 minutes (and that is only when a shower is included). After that time period, your "man-status" is significantly lowered in 99% of cases. Hairdryers are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
- Never comment on how much or how little a woman eats. Period.
- A man who cooks well is sexy. We will be excited if we come home and see you cooking. If we come home and see you wearing oven mitts, surrounded by freshly-baked cookies, cakes, and pies, we will mock you incessantly.
- A man who lives with his parents past the age of 25 better have a damn good reason. I'll do my best to get along with your parents, but I don't want to sleep in the next room over on a regular basis.
- If you lie to us and/or cheat on us, please expect us to make your life miserable. We will go to great lengths to make sure that happens. Our girlfriends will also go to great lengths to help make sure that happens.
- Please notice the general correlation between men who never get laid and men who crush beer cans on their foreheads, men who read Harry Potter novels, men who have more "online friends" than actual friends, men who spend 90% of their spare time gaming, men who go tanning, and men who go to dance clubs with other similarly tool-ish men.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Could it be true?
Dallas releasing T.O.? Realllyy? I think not only being a die-hard New England Patriots Fan gives me enough reason to despise T.O., but being human in general who has heard even 2 seconds of Terrell Owens speak gives me enough reason to despise him. Ok buddy, you're good. We get it, we know. No need for the obnoxious big-headed bow-down-to-me ego. You're like a cartoon.
T.O. isn't the only athlete out there who thinks he is God's gift to Earth. There are so many men and women who are doing far better things for people and humanity everywhere- teachers, doctors, scientists, researchers, firefighters, police officers, soldiers, EMTs, social workers... the list goes on and on. They're the ones with the actual gifts, and they're the ones who deserve way more recognition than someone who is a talented wide receiver.
I want to be a part of the media industry... but sometimes I wonder at what point do people look at the news they are reporting and ask themselves; "Why?"
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Jess is a mess. Love my mess.
- Timing, apparently, is everything.
- Never wear socks on hardwood stairs.
- Never mix any emotion with traveling down hardwood stairs, in socks.